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Sat Oct 14

Adguard vs Pi-hole: Optimal Choices for Online Ad Blocking

In today’s digital era, online ads have become an intrusive and often annoying part of our browsing experience. To combat this issue, various ad-blocking solutions have emerged, among which Adguard and Pi-hole are popular contenders. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between Adguard and Pi-hole, focusing on their features, functionalities, pros, and cons. So, let’s dive in and explore the battle of ad blockers!

Understanding Adguard and Pi-hole

What is Adguard?

Adguard is a versatile ad-blocking software that offers an extensive range of features to enhance users’ web browsing experience. Apart from blocking ads, it provides protection against malware, phishing, and online tracking. Adguard is compatible with various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and even browser extensions.

What is Pi-hole?

Pi-hole, on the other hand, is a network-level ad blocker that operates by deploying a Raspberry Pi device or a Linux server. It functions as a DNS sinkhole, blocking ads at the network level before they reach your devices. Pi-hole can be configured to block ads on all connected devices by acting as a central ad-blocking server for your home network.

Key Differences Between Adguard and Pi-hole

When comparing Adguard and Pi-hole, several key differences arise, making them distinct from each other.


Adguard, being a software-based solution, provides a comprehensive set of features that go beyond just ad blocking. It offers protection against malware, phishing attempts, and online tracking. On the other hand, Pi-hole focuses solely on ad blocking at a network level and doesn’t offer additional security features like malware protection.

Setup and Compatibility

Adguard’s setup process is relatively straightforward. It can be installed and configured easily on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and browser extensions like Chrome and Firefox. Pi-hole, on the other hand, requires a Raspberry Pi or a Linux server setup, making its installation slightly more complex, particularly for non-technical users.

Customization and Configuration

Both Adguard and Pi-hole offer customization options, albeit in different ways. Adguard provides a user-friendly interface, allowing users to configure different rules and filters according to their preferences. It also offers a variety of themes and options for personalized customization. On the other hand, Pi-hole allows advanced users to modify its settings via the command line interface, providing more granular control over ad blocking and DNS filtering.

Pros and Cons of Adguard

Adguard offers several advantages as well as some limitations. Let’s take a closer look at its pros and cons:


Effective ad blocking: Adguard’s filtering enagine efficiently blocks a wide range of ads, pop-ups, and banners on multiple platforms.

Wide platform compatibility: Adguard supports various operating systems, making it accessible to a broad user base.

Extra protection: Apart from ad blocking, Adguard provides protection against malware, phishing, and online tracking.


Cost: While Adguard offers a free browser extension, its premium version comes at a cost, limiting certain advanced features to paid users.

Minor performance impact: Adguard’s background processes may have a slight impact on device performance, although it’s usually negligible.

Pros and Cons of Pi-hole

Now, let’s examine the pros and cons of Pi-hole to understand its strengths and weaknesses:


Network-wide ad blocking: Pi-hole blocks ads at the network level, ensuring all devices connected to the network benefit from ad-free browsing.

Minimal device performance impact: Since Pi-hole operates directly on the network, it has minimal impact on individual device performance.

Open-source and customizable: Pi-hole is an open-source project, allowing users to customize and enhance its functionality according to their specific needs.


Initial setup complexity: Setting up a Raspberry Pi or a Linux server to host Pi-hole can be challenging for non-technical users.

Limited additional features: Pi-hole primarily focuses on ad blocking and lacks the additional security features offered by Adguard.

Adguard vs Pi-hole: Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing between Adguard and Pi-hole depends on your specific requirements and technical expertise. If you prefer an all-in-one solution with additional features beyond ad blocking, Adguard is a suitable choice. It offers a user- friendly experience, compatibility across multiple platforms, and protection from various online threats.

On the other hand, if you prioritize network-wide ad-blocking and have the technical skills to set up and maintain a Raspberry Pi or a Linux server, Pi- hole is an excellent option. It ensures ad-free browsing on all connected devices and allows advanced customization through command line interface.


In conclusion, both Adguard and Pi-hole are formidable ad-blocking solutions, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. While Adguard provides extensive features, compatibility, and user-friendliness, Pi-hole focuses on network- wide ad blocking and customization possibilities. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on individual preferences, technical proficiency, and desired level of functionality.