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Fri Jul 21

Common Encoding Types Explained

Have you ever wondered how data is transmitted, stored, or processed in communication and information technology? If so, you may have encountered the terms encoding and decoding. These are two essential processes that involve converting data from one form to another for different purposes.

They involve transforming data from one form to another for efficient transmission, storage, or processing. Encoding is the process of converting data into a specific format that can be understood by a receiver or a device, while decoding is the process of reversing the encoding to recover the original data.

There are many types of encoding that serve different purposes and have different characteristics. In this article, we will explain some of the most common encoding types that you may encounter in your daily life or work, such as ASCII encoding, Unicode encoding, Base64 encoding, URL encoding, and HTML encoding.

ASCII Encoding

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is one of the oldest and most widely used encoding schemes in the world. It was developed in the 1960s to standardize the representation of text characters in computers.

ASCII encoding uses 7 bits to encode each character, which means it can represent up to 128 different characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, punctuation marks, symbols, and control codes.

For example, the letter A is encoded as 01000001 in binary or 65 in decimal. If you want to transmit or store text data that contains only English characters, you can use ASCII encoding, as it is simple, compatible, and efficient.


  • It is simple and easy to implement.
  • It is compatible with most devices and platforms.
  • It is efficient for transmitting English text.


  • It cannot represent characters from other languages or scripts that use more than 128 characters.
  • It cannot handle special characters such as emojis or mathematical symbols.
  • It may cause errors or confusion if different devices use different versions or extensions of ASCII.

Unicode Encoding

Unicode is a modern encoding scheme that aims to overcome the limitations of ASCII and other legacy encodings. It was developed in the 1990s to provide a universal standard for representing text characters from all languages and scripts in the world.

Unicode encoding uses a variable number of bits to encode each character, depending on the encoding form. There are four main forms of Unicode encoding: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, and UTF-7. The most popular one is UTF-8, which uses 8 bits (one byte) to encode most common characters, but can use up to 32 bits (four bytes) to encode rare or complex characters.

For example, the letter A is encoded as U+0041, while the Chinese character 中 is encoded as U+4E2D. Unicode uses 21 bits to represent each code point, which means it can encode up to 1.1 million characters in total. Unicode encoding is used for web pages, internet technologies, text documents, databases, programming languages, and any application that needs to support multiple languages and scripts.


  • It can represent over a million different characters from all languages and scripts in the world.
  • It can handle special characters such as emojis or mathematical symbols.
  • It is compatible with ASCII for the first 128 characters.
  • It is widely supported by most devices and platforms.


  • It may use more space or bandwidth than ASCII for some characters or languages.
  • It may cause errors or confusion if different devices use different forms or versions of Unicode.
  • It may require special software or libraries to process or display correctly.

Base64 Encoding

Base64 is a special encoding scheme that is used to convert binary data into text data. It was developed in the 1980s to enable the transmission of binary data over text-based protocols such as email or web. Base64 encoding uses 64 characters to encode each 6 bits of binary data, which means it can represent any binary data as a sequence of letters, digits, and symbols.

To encode binary data in Base64, the following steps are performed:

  • The binary data is divided into groups of 6 bits (6 bits can represent 64 different values).
  • Each group of 6 bits is converted into a decimal number between 0 and 63.
  • Each decimal number is mapped to a corresponding Base64 character using the Base64 table.
  • The encoded string is formed by concatenating all the Base64 characters.
  • If the last group of bits is less than 6 bits, it is padded with zeros on the right, and the encoded string is padded with = signs on the right to make it a multiple of 4 characters.

For example, the binary data 01000001 01000010 01000011 is encoded as QUJD in Base64. Here is how:

| 8 bits | 01000001 01000010 01000011 | | -------------- | ---------------------------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 6 bits | 010000 | 010100 | 001011 | 000011 | | Decimal number | 16 | 17 | 18 | 48 | | Base64 | Q | U | J | D |

As you can see, the binary data is divided into four groups of 6 bits: 010000, 010100, 001011, and 000011. These are converted into decimal numbers: 16, 17, 18, and 48. These are mapped to Base64 characters: Q, U, J, and D. The encoded string is QUJD. There is no need for padding in this case, as the binary data is a multiple of 6 bits.

Base64 encoding is used for sending email attachments, embedding images or other binary assets in web pages or CSS files, encoding passwords or tokens for security purposes, and transmitting data that may otherwise be corrupted by text-based protocols.


  • It can encode any binary data as text data, regardless of the content or format.
  • It can be transmitted over text-based protocols without modification or corruption.
  • It can be easily decoded by most devices and platforms.


  • It increases the size of the data by about 33%, which may affect the performance or efficiency of the transmission or storage.
  • It may not be secure or confidential, as anyone can decode it easily.
  • It may not be human-readable or meaningful, as it does not preserve the original structure or semantics of the data.

URL Encoding

URL encoding is a special encoding scheme that is used to convert text data into a valid format for web addresses or URLs. It was developed to enable the transmission of text data that may contain characters that are reserved or unsafe for URLs, such as spaces, punctuation marks, symbols, or non-ASCII characters.

URL encoding uses a percent sign (%) followed by two hexadecimal digits to encode each character that needs to be encoded, which means it can represent any character as a sequence of three characters.

For example, the text data Hello World! is encoded as Hello%20World%21 in URL encoding. URL encoding is used for creating valid and safe URLs that can be transmitted over the internet. It is also used for passing parameters or data in query strings or forms.


  • It can encode any text data as a valid URL, regardless of the content or language.
  • It can be transmitted over web protocols without modification or corruption.
  • It can be easily decoded by most devices and platforms.


  • It increases the length of the URL, which may affect the usability or aesthetics of the web address.
  • It may not be secure or confidential, as anyone can decode it easily.
  • It may not be human-readable or meaningful, as it does not preserve the original structure or semantics of the text data.

HTML Encoding

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is an encoding system that converts text into a format that can be used to create or display web pages. It uses tags (< and >) to mark up the text with different elements, attributes, and styles.

HTML encoding works by replacing certain characters with their corresponding entity names or entity numbers. An entity name starts with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon (;), such as < for the less-than sign. An entity number also starts with an ampersand and ends with a semicolon, but it uses a hash sign (#) followed by a decimal or hexadecimal number, such as < for the less-than sign.

There are different types of HTML entities, such as:

  • Named entities: These are predefined entities that have a specific name, such as & for the ampersand sign. There are 252 named entities in HTML 4 and 223 named entities in HTML 5.
  • Numeric entities: These are entities that use a decimal or hexadecimal number to represent a character, such as & or & for the ampersand sign. There are over 65,000 numeric entities in HTML, corresponding to the Unicode character set.
  • Character references: These are entities that use a character’s Unicode code point to represent it, such as 😀 for the grinning face emoji. Character references can use either decimal or hexadecimal numbers.

Here is a table that shows some examples of HTML encoding:

CharacterNameEntity nameEntity numberCharacter reference
<Less-than sign<< or <<
>Greater-than sign>> or >>
&Ampersand sign&& or &&
Quotation mark"" or ""
Apostrophe’ (HTML 5 only)’ or ''
©Copyright symbol©© or ©©
Euro sign€ (HTML 4 only)€ or €
😊Smiling face with smiling eyes emojiNoneNone😊 or &#x1F60A

For example, the tag

marks the beginning of a paragraph, while the tag

marks the end of it. HTML also uses entities (& followed by a name or a number and a semicolon) to represent any character that is not allowed or reserved in HTML. For example, the less-than sign (<) is encoded as <, while the copyright sign (©) is encoded as ©.

HTML encoding is used for displaying HTML code or special characters in web pages without affecting the HTML structure or rendering. It is also used for preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by escaping user input.

You can also use HTML encoding functions in various programming languages, such as PHP, JavaScript, and ASP, to encode your text programmatically. For example, in PHP you can use the htmlspecialchars() function to encode your text for HTML output. In JavaScript you can use the escape() function to encode your text for URL parameters. In ASP you can use the Server.HTMLEncode() function to encode your text for HTML output.

HTML encoding has some pros and cons. Some of the pros are:

  • It helps to display HTML code or special characters in web pages without affecting the HTML structure or rendering.
  • It helps to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by escaping user input that may contain malicious scripts or commands.
  • It is easy to implement and use. You can use various tools and functions to encode your text automatically or programmatically.
  • It is compatible with all browsers and devices.

Some of the cons are:

  • It can make your text longer and less readable.
  • It can cause errors or inconsistencies if not done properly (e.g forget to encode some characters or use the wrong entity values).
  • It can be redundant or unnecessary in some cases.


In this article, we have explained some of the most common encoding types that you may encounter in your daily life or work, such as ASCII encoding, Unicode encoding, Base64 encoding, URL encoding, and HTML encoding . We have also discussed some of the advantages and disadvantages of each encoding type, and how they differ from each other.

Encoding and decoding are essential processes in any communication system. They enable the transmission, storage, or processing of data in different formats. However, not all encoding types are suitable for all purposes or scenarios. Therefore, it is important to choose the best encoding type for your specific needs and preferences.

We hope that this article has helped you understand some of the common encoding types and how they work.