
Find out what we got to offer

We Don't Take Shortcut for Reasons

We take a unique approach by coding our websites line by line, setting us apart from the rest. Unlike others who use CMS platforms like WordPress, we choose the hard way for a reason. Here's why:

  • By using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we achieve the most performant websites possible. Your site will load faster because we include only the necessary code, which means quicker load times.
    Conversion rates and page load times
    - 1s load: ~40% conversion
    - 2s load: 34% conversion
    - 3s load: 29% conversion
    - 5s+ load: ~50% lower conversion
    Fast-loading sites keep visitors engaged.
Unmatched Performance
  • CMS like WordPress, despite being fundamentally secure, is a prime target for hackers due to its popularity. By custom coding your website, we minimize these risks, providing you with a more secure online presence.
    Vulnerabilities can exist in its core, themes, or plugins. Using third-party plugins can further introduce security risks. According to Sucuri, 36% of compromised websites had at least one vulnerable component.
Enhanced Security
  • Custom coding gives us complete control over your website's design, functionality, and performance. This allows us to create unique and tailored solutions that perfectly fit your brand and vision.
    Whether you want a minimalist design or a feature-rich site, our approach ensures your website stands out and meets your exact needs.
Total Control Over Design
  • If you are using WordPress, you might already have a responsive theme. However, it might not suit your specific needs, requiring you to modify it with CSS. This can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Why not let us handle it with custom code, so you can focus on what really matters?
Responsive & Customizable
  • Our handcrafted approach means your website is built to last. We minimize any dependencies on third-party platforms and plugins that may become outdated or unsupported. This ensures your website remains functional and relevant for years to come.
Future-Proof Development

Ready to transform your online presence with a handcrafted, high-performance website? Let's collaborate to build a site that not only meets your needs but also exceeds your expectations.