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Fri May 19

Exploring Exploit Possibilities with SearchSploit

When it comes to vulnerability scanning or bug bounty,one of the most crucial step you don’t want to miss is searching for the known exploit in the target system. However, it is sometimes a cumbersome task to look for it and probably a time consuming activity if you have to search for this in the database on the website. SearchSploit is one way that can make this much easier and faster. Only by this reason, we think that it is better to understand it better to make things more efficient.

What is SearchSploit?

As the name suggests, SearchSploit is a tool that allows you to browse and look for all exploits available at exploit-db. It can be done through the terminal using the terms from exploit-db.

SearchSploit features

Locally available database

Possibly, one worth-to-mention feature from SearchSploit is the ability to access databases locally. With this feature, you have the ability to conduct thorough offline searches through your locally stored repository. This feature is especially valuable for security assessments conducted on isolated or air- gapped networks that lack internet connectivity.

Weekly update

Available on almost all penetration testing distributions, you can expect the database to be updated weekly. This is particularly the case if you use a well known penetration testing like Kali Linux. If you are installing it with Homebrew or Git, you can expect even more frequent updates on a daily basis. Regardless of how the installation was done, you can still do it manually by using the following command.

$ searchsploit -u

Utilizing SearchSploit

Like most command-line tools, you can show the all available and useful commands with -h option. Before using it, it’s also necessary to have sufficient knowledge of your target server. To do that, you can scan the target server with nmap just like what we have to do as the first step in [Metasploit]( for-penetration-testing). Otherwise, it will be considered useless if you have no idea what the target server is built on.

You can simply add the search term you want to look for. For example, from nmap scanning we have several open port on the target:

22/tcp		open ssh         OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.4 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp  	open http        Apache httpd 2.4.18 ((Ubuntu))
139/tcp		open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
445/tcp 	open netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
8009/tcp 	open ajp13       Apache Jserv (Protocol v1.3)
8080/tcp 	open http        Apache Tomcat 9.0.7

Suppose we want to look for information for openSSH.

$ searchsploit  openssh 7.2p2

This tool uses AND operator instead of OR for its searching function. It means that the more terms we are using, it will become more specific. In some cases, you may avoid using abbreviations (e.g. use terms “sql” for SQL injection, not “sqli”). It is also better to not be so specific in your search terms and use broader terms instead. For example, taking from the above case, we can look for vulnerability on port 8080 using the following term.

$ searchsploit apache tomcat 9

Filtering output

If you do it on your own and see the search results, you can see that our terms are scattered. For example, you may also see the result like this.

Apache Tomcat 6.0.13 - Host Manager Servlet C | multiple/remote/30495.html

Surely, you don’t want such results cluttering the output. Hence, you can use the title search to narrow down the result and so it can give you better results. You can simply use the -t option to do this. Defining the search terms as the title will result in a more precise and improved outcome.

$ searchsploit -t apache tomcat 9

Excluding unwanted result

Excluding and piping

In SearchSploit, you can also filter the unwanted output by using the --exclude option. It can also be chained with a | (pipe). For example, if you are looking for information for kernel “4.8”, you can use the following command.

$ searchsploit linux kernel --exclude="(PoC)|/dos/" | grep ' 4.8'

Examining exploit

Path information and copy to clipboard

Once you’ve found the exploit you are looking for, you can access it quickly by using -p option. This option will give you a more detailed explanation about the exploit, including its location and some other information like corresponding CVE number. If possible, this option may also copy the path to the clipboard.

$ searchsploit -p 41886

Copying exploit to directory

When working with SearchSploit, It’s recommended to not mess with the actual database. It is better to make a copy for the file for further investigation. Fortunately, SearchSploit has an option for this specific reason. Using the -m option, we can copy the file we would like to examine to the current directory.

$ searchsploit -m 41886

Accessing Online Database

Despite its ability to work locally, it also lets you access the online exploit-db by providing the URL to the corresponding exploit. Some exploits may also include some metadata such as screenshots and vulnerability mapping, but not available locally. Hence, you need to check the website directly. You can use the -w option for this.

$ searchsploit windows smb doublepulsar -w


SearchSploit lets you access its comprehensive database of exploits and vulnerabilities makes it an invaluable resource for security professionals. By providing easy access to relevant exploit code it significantly cuts the time needed for addressing very specific vulnerabilities. Its extensive range of features, including the ability to operate in an offline environment, sets it apart. The offline functionality of SearchSploit enables users to access the exploit and vulnerability database without the need for an internet connection, guaranteeing optimal privacy and security.