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Sat Nov 04

How to Install a tar.gz File on Linux

Linux is a popular operating system for many users, especially those who value security, customization, and open source software. However, installing new software on Linux can sometimes be challenging, especially if the software is not available in the official repositories or as a pre-compiled package. In such cases, you may need to download and install a tar.gz file, which is a compressed archive that contains the source code and installation instructions for the software.

But what is a tar.gz file and how do you install it on Linux? In this article, we will explain what a tar.gz file is, why you might need to use it, and how to install it on Linux. We will also cover some common errors that you might encounter and how to fix them.

What is a tar.gz file and why use it?

A tar.gz file is a compressed archive that contains one or more files. The name tar.gz comes from the two commands that are used to create and extract such files: tar and gzip. Tar stands for tape archive, and it is a command that can combine multiple files into one archive file. Gzip stands for GNU zip, and it is a command that can compress and decompress files to reduce their size.

A tar.gz file is also known as a tarball, and it is a common way of distributing software source code on Linux. Software source code is the human- readable version of the software, written in a programming language such as C, Python, or Java. By downloading and installing the source code, you can compile and run the software on your system, regardless of the hardware or software configuration.

There are several reasons why you might need to use a tar.gz file to install software on Linux:

  • The software is not available in the official repositories of your Linux distribution, or the version in the repositories is outdated or incompatible with your system.
  • The software is not available as a pre-compiled package, such as a .deb or .rpm file, or the package does not work properly on your system.
  • The software is experimental, customized, or modified, and you want to have more control over the installation process and options.
  • The software requires some dependencies that are not installed on your system, and you need to install them manually.

However, there are also some drawbacks of using a tar.gz file to install software on Linux:

  • The installation process can be more complicated and time-consuming than using a pre-compiled package or a graphical installer.
  • The installation process can vary depending on the software and the system, and you may need to follow different steps or commands for different tar.gz files.
  • The installation process can cause some errors or conflicts with other software or system components, and you may need to troubleshoot and fix them manually.
  • The installation process may not create a proper entry in the system menu or the package manager, and you may need to launch or uninstall the software manually.

Therefore, before you decide to use a tar.gz file to install software on Linux, you should check if there is a simpler or safer alternative available. For example, you can search for the software in the official repositories of your Linux distribution, or look for a pre-compiled package or a graphical installer on the software’s website or a third-party repository. If none of these options are available or suitable, then you can proceed with using a tar.gz file.

How to extract a tar.gz file

The first step to install a tar.gz file on Linux is to extract the contents of the archive. To do this, you need to use the tar command with the following options:

  • x: extract files from an archive
  • z: filter the archive through gzip
  • v: verbosely list files processed
  • f: use archive file or device

The general syntax of the command is:

tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz

Where filename.tar.gz is the name of the tar.gz file you want to extract.

For example, if you want to extract a tar.gz file called hello.tar.gz, you can use the following command:

tar -xzvf hello.tar.gz

This will create a directory called hello, which contains the files extracted from the archive. You can use the ls command to list the contents of the directory:

ls hello

You can also specify a different directory where you want to extract the files, by using the -C option followed by the directory name. For example, if you want to extract the files to a directory called /tmp, you can use the following command:

tar -xzvf hello.tar.gz -C /tmp

This will create a directory called /tmp/hello, which contains the files extracted from the archive.

How to install a tar.gz file

After you have extracted the files from the tar.gz file, you need to navigate to the directory where the files are located, and follow the installation instructions provided by the software developer. The installation instructions may vary depending on the software and the system, but they usually follow a similar pattern of three steps:

  • Configure: This step checks the system for the required dependencies and options, and creates a makefile that specifies how to compile the software.
  • Compile: This step compiles the source code into executable files that can run on the system.
  • Install: This step copies the executable files to the appropriate locations on the system, and creates any necessary links or entries for the software.

To perform these steps, you need to use the following commands in the terminal:

  • ./configure: This command runs the configure script that checks the system and creates the makefile. You can also pass some options to this command to customize the installation process. For example, you can use the —prefix option to specify a different directory where you want to install the software. To see a list of available options, you can use the —help option.
  • make: This command runs the make program that reads the makefile and compiles the software. You can also pass some options to this command to modify the compilation process. For example, you can use the -j option to specify the number of parallel jobs to run. To see a list of available options, you can use the —help option.
  • sudo make install: This command runs the make program with the install target, which copies the files to the system and creates the links or entries. You need to use sudo to run this command as root, since it requires administrative privileges. You can also pass some options to this command to modify the installation process. For example, you can use the DESTDIR option to specify a different directory where you want to install the software. To see a list of available options, you can use the —help option.

For example, if you want to install a software called hello from a tar.gz file called hello.tar.gz, you can use the following commands:

tar -xzvf hello.tar.gz
cd hello
sudo make install

This will install the software in the default directory, which is usually /usr/local. If you want to install the software in a different directory, such as /opt, you can use the following commands:

tar -xzvf hello.tar.gz
cd hello
./configure --prefix=/opt
sudo make install

This will install the software in the /opt directory.

Common errors and how to fix them

Sometimes, you may encounter some errors or problems when you try to install a tar.gz file on Linux. Here are some of the most common ones and how to fix them:

Missing dependencies

A dependency is a software component that is required by another software component to function properly. Sometimes, the software you want to install may depend on some other software that is not installed on your system. In this case, you may see an error message like this:

bash configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-3.0 >= 3.22.0) were not met:
No package 'gtk+-3.0' found

This means that the software you want to install requires the gtk+-3.0 package, which is not installed on your system. To fix this, you need to install the missing package using your package manager. For example, if you are using Ubuntu, you can use the following command:

sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev

This will install the development files for the gtk+-3.0 package, which are needed to compile the software. After installing the missing package, you can run the ./configure command again and proceed with the installation.

Permission denied

Sometimes, you may see an error message like this:

bash: ./configure: Permission denied

This means that the file you are trying to execute does not have the executable permission. To fix this, you need to change the file permission using the chmod command. For example, if you want to make the configure file executable, you can use the following command:

chmod +x configure

This will add the executable permission to the file, which means you can run it as a command. After changing the file permission, you can run the ./configure command again and proceed with the installation.

Invalid file format

Sometimes, you may encounter an error message indicating an invalid file format. This could happen if the tar.gz file you are trying to install is corrupted or not compatible with your system. To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check the integrity of the tar.gz file: Before proceeding with the installation, it’s essential to verify the integrity of the file. You can use the following command to check if the file is intact:

tar -tzvf filename.tar.gz

This command will list the contents of the tar.gz file without extracting them. If the command displays the contents correctly, it indicates that the file is not corrupted.

Download the file again: If the integrity check reveals that the file is indeed corrupted, you should download it again from a reliable source. Sometimes, network issues or incomplete downloads can result in corrupted files.

Ensure compatibility: Make sure that the tar.gz file you are trying to install is compatible with your Linux distribution and system architecture. Different distributions may have specific requirements or different versions of libraries and dependencies. Check the software’s documentation or website for compatibility information.

Resolve missing dependencies: If the installation process fails due to missing dependencies, you need to install them manually. Use your package manager to search for and install the required dependencies. The package names may vary depending on your Linux distribution.

Consult the software’s documentation: If you encounter any specific errors or issues during the installation, refer to the software’s documentation or website for troubleshooting steps.


Installing a tar.gz file on Linux can be a useful way to install software that is not available through official repositories or pre-compiled packages. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to successfully install software from a tar.gz file on your Linux system.