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Wed Oct 11

How To Mount and Unmount Drives on Linux

Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system that can handle various types of storage devices and file systems. However, unlike Windows or macOS, Linux does not automatically mount or unmount drives when you plug them in or out. Instead, you have to use some commands or tools to manually manage your drives and file systems.

In this article, you will learn how to mount and unmount drives on Linux using the mount and umount commands. You will also learn how to make your drives mount automatically at boot time using the fstab file. By the end of this article, you will be able to easily access your data on any drive or file system on Linux.

How to Mount Drives on Linux

Mounting a drive on Linux means attaching it to a specific directory in the file system tree, also known as a mount point. This way, you can access the files and directories on the drive as if they were part of your system.

To mount a drive on Linux, you need to use the mount command with the following syntax:

mount [options] device mount_point

The device argument specifies the name or path of the device you want to mount, such as /dev/sda1 for a hard disk partition or /dev/sdb1 for a USB drive. The mount_point argument specifies the directory where you want to mount the device, such as /mnt or /media.

The options argument allows you to specify various parameters for mounting the device, such as the file system type, the read-write mode, the permissions, etc. You can use the -t option to specify the file system type, such as ext4, ntfs, vfat, etc. You can use the -o option to specify multiple options separated by commas, such as ro for read-only mode, rw for read-write mode, uid for user ID, gid for group ID, etc.

For example, to mount an ext4 partition /dev/sda1 on /mnt with read-write mode and default permissions, you can use this command:

sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt

To mount an NTFS partition /dev/sda2 on /media with read-only mode and user ownership, you can use this command:

sudo mount -t ntfs -o ro,uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sda2 /media

To mount a FAT32 USB drive /dev/sdb1 on /media/usb with read-write mode and sync option (to write changes immediately), you can use this command:

sudo mount -t vfat -o rw,sync /dev/sdb1 /media/usb

To mount a network drive (such as NFS or SMB) on /mnt/nfs with specific options (such as server address, port number, username, password, etc.), you can use this command:

sudo mount -t nfs -o server=,port=2049,user=alice,password=secret /mnt/nfs

You can use the -v option to enable verbose output and see more details about the mounting process.

You can also omit some arguments if they are obvious or default. For example, if you omit the file system type, mount will try to detect it automatically. If you omit the mount point, mount will try to find a suitable one under /media or /mnt.

To see all the mounted devices and their options on your system, you can use this command:


How to Mount Drives Permanently using fstab

If you want to make your drives mount automatically every time you boot your system, you can use the fstab file. The fstab file is a configuration file that contains information about the file systems and devices on your system and how they should be mounted.

To edit the fstab file, you need to use a text editor with root privileges, such as nano or vi. You can use this command to open the fstab file with nano:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

The fstab file has the following format:

device mount_point file_system_type options dump pass

Each line in the fstab file represents a device or file system that should be mounted. The columns are separated by spaces or tabs. The columns are:

  • device: the name or path of the device or file system to be mounted, such as /dev/sda1 or UUID=1234-5678.
  • mount_point: the directory where the device or file system should be mounted, such as /mnt or /media.
  • file_system_type: the type of the file system on the device, such as ext4, ntfs, vfat, etc.
  • options: the parameters for mounting the device or file system, such as ro, rw, uid, gid, etc. You can use defaults to use the default options for the file system type.
  • dump: a number that indicates whether the device or file system should be backed up by the dump utility. 0 means no backup, 1 means backup.
  • pass: a number that indicates whether the device or file system should be checked by the fsck utility at boot time. 0 means no check, 1 means check and fix errors, 2 means check but do not fix errors.

For example, to add an entry for an ext4 partition /dev/sda1 that should be mounted on /mnt with read-write mode and default options, you can add this line to the fstab file:

/dev/sda1 /mnt ext4 defaults 0 2

To add an entry for an NTFS partition /dev/sda2 that should be mounted on /media with read-only mode and user ownership, you can add this line to the fstab file:

/dev/sda2 /media ntfs ro,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0

To add an entry for a FAT32 USB drive /dev/sdb1 that should be mounted on /media/usb with read-write mode and sync option, you can add this line to the fstab file:

/dev/sdb1 /media/usb vfat rw,sync 0 0

To add an entry for a network drive (such as NFS or SMB) that should be mounted on /mnt/nfs with specific options (such as server address, port number, username, password, etc.), you can add this line to the fstab file:

server=,port=2049,user=alice,password=secret /mnt/nfs nfs defaults 0 0

After editing the fstab file, you need to save it and exit the text editor. To apply the changes without rebooting, you can use this command:

sudo mount -a

This command will mount all the devices and file systems specified in the fstab file.

How to Unmount Drives on Linux

Unmounting a drive on Linux means detaching it from its mount point and making it inaccessible from your system. You should always unmount a drive before removing it physically from your system to avoid data loss or corruption.

To unmount a drive on Linux, you need to use the umount command with the following syntax:

umount [options] device_or_mount_point

The device_or_mount_point argument specifies either the name or path of the device you want to unmount, such as /dev/sda1 or /dev/sdb1, or the directory where it is mounted, such as /mnt or /media/usb.

The options argument allows you to specify various parameters for unmounting the device, such as -f for forcing unmounting in case of errors, -l for lazy unmounting (detaching the device immediately but cleaning up later), -r for remounting read-only in case of errors, etc.

For example, to unmount an ext4 partition /dev/sda1 from /mnt with force option, you can use this command:

sudo umount -f /dev/sda1

To unmount an NTFS partition /dev/sda2 from /media with lazy option, you can use this command:

sudo umount -l /media

To unmount a FAT32 USB drive /dev/sdb1 from /media/usb with remount read-only option in case of errors, you can use this command:

sudo umount -r /media/usb

To unmount a network drive (such as NFS or SMB) from /mnt/nfs with force option, you can use this command:

sudo umount -f /mnt/nfs

You can use the -v option to enable verbose output and see more details about the unmounting process.

You can also omit the device or mount point argument if it is obvious or default. For example, if you omit the device argument, umount will try to find the device that is mounted on the current directory. If you omit the mount point argument, umount will try to find the mount point of the device.

To see all the unmounted devices and their options on your system, you can use this command:



In this article, you learned how to mount and unmount drives on Linux using the mount and umount commands. You also learned how to make your drives mount automatically at boot time using the fstab file. Mounting and unmounting drives on Linux is a useful skill that can help you access your data on any device or file system. However, you should always be careful when mounting and unmounting drives, as improper operations can cause data loss or corruption.