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Mon Jul 24

SSL Tunneling Explained In-Depth

Do you want to know how you can visit some websites that are not accessible or allowed by your network provider or administrator? Or how you can secure your online transactions and personal information from hackers and snoops? Or how you can create a private and secure connection over a public network? If you do, then you might be interested in a term called SSL tunnelin.

SSL tunneling is a technique that allows you to create a secure connection between your device (the client) and a web server (the backend) via a proxy server (the intermediary). It is widely used for various purposes, such as online shopping, VPNs, and web scraping. In this article, we will explain what SSL tunneling is, how it works, what are its benefits, types, and applications.

What is SSL Tunneling?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, which is a protocol that provides encryption and authentication for data transmission over the internet. It is also known as TLS (Transport Layer Security), which is an updated version of SSL. SSL/TLS ensures that the data you send and receive is protected from eavesdropping, tampering, and impersonation.

In the other hand, tunneling is a process that creates a virtual channel or pathway between two endpoints over a network. It encapsulates one type of data inside another type of data, making it appear as if it belongs to the same network. For example, you can tunnel HTTP traffic inside TCP packets, making it look like regular TCP traffic.

SSL tunneling combines these two concepts to create a secure channel between your device (the client) and a web server (the backend) via a proxy server (the intermediary). The proxy server acts as a bridge that connects the client and the backend without interfering with their communication. The proxy server also helps to bypass any network restrictions or firewalls that might prevent direct access to the backend.

How SSL Tunneling Works?

The following steps illustrate how SSL tunneling works:

  1. The client sends a request to the proxy server using the CONNECT method. This method tells the proxy server to establish a tunnel to the backend on a specified port (usually 443 for HTTPS). For example, CONNECT HTTP/1.1.
  2. The proxy server receives the request and connects to the backend on the requested port. It then sends back a response to the client indicating that the tunnel is established. For example, HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
  3. The client initiates an SSL/TLS handshake with the backend through the proxy server. The handshake involves exchanging cryptographic keys and certificates to verify each other’s identity and agree on an encryption algorithm.
  4. After the handshake is completed, the client and the backend can exchange encrypted data through the proxy server. The proxy server does not decrypt or modify the data, but simply relays it back and forth. The data is only decrypted at the client or the backend.
  5. When the client or the backend wants to close the connection, they send a termination signal to the proxy server. The proxy server then closes both connections and resumes its normal activity.

Benefits of SSL Tunneling

SSL tunneling offers several benefits, such as:

  • Security: SSL tunneling provides end-to-end encryption and authentication for the data exchanged between the client and the backend. This prevents anyone from intercepting, modifying, or impersonating the data. The proxy server cannot access or alter the data, as it is encrypted. The proxy server also cannot verify the protocol used between the client and the backend, so it is best to use known ports (such as 443 for HTTPS) for security reasons.
  • Privacy: SSL tunneling protects the privacy of the client and the backend from the proxy server and any third parties. The proxy server only knows the IP address and port number of the client and the backend, but not their content or identity. The proxy server also cannot see the URL or domain name of the backend, as it is encrypted. The proxy server also cannot track or log the activity of the client or the backend, as it does not know what they are doing.
  • Bypassing network restrictions: SSL tunneling allows the client to access websites or services that are blocked or restricted by their network provider or administrator. For example, some networks might block certain ports, protocols, or domains for security or censorship reasons. SSL tunneling can bypass these restrictions by using a proxy server that is not blocked and by using port 443, which is usually allowed for HTTPS traffic.

Types of SSL Tunneling

There are two main types of SSL tunneling: explicit and transparent.

Explicit SSL Tunneling

Explicit SSL tunneling is when the client explicitly requests a tunnel to the backend using the CONNECT method. This requires the client to support SSL/TLS and HTTPS, and to configure the proxy server in its settings. Explicit SSL tunneling is more common and widely supported by most browsers and applications.

Transparent SSL Tunneling

Transparent SSL tunneling is when the client does not request a tunnel to the backend, but instead sends a regular HTTPS request to the proxy server. The proxy server then intercepts and redirects the HTTPS traffic to the backend using a tunnel. This does not require the client to support SSL/TLS or HTTPS, or to configure the proxy server in its settings. Transparent SSL tunneling is less common and requires a special proxy server that can handle HTTPS traffic.

Applications of SSL Tunneling

SSL tunneling has many applications in various fields and scenarios, such as:

Online Shopping

Online shopping involves sending and receiving sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, personal details, and order confirmations. SSL tunneling ensures that this information is encrypted and authenticated between your device and the e-commerce website, preventing anyone from stealing or tampering with it. It also protects your privacy from the proxy server and any third parties that might want to track or monitor your online activity.


VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are services that create secure and private connections over public networks, such as the internet. They allow you to access websites or services that are otherwise unavailable or restricted in your region, such as Netflix, Hulu, or BBC iPlayer. They also allow you to hide your IP address and location from anyone who might want to spy on you or censor you.

SSL tunneling is one of the methods that VPNs use to create secure connections between your device and a VPN server. The VPN server then acts as a proxy server that connects you to your desired destination. SSL tunneling ensures that your data is encrypted and authenticated between your device and the VPN server, preventing anyone from intercepting or modifying it. It also allows you to bypass any network restrictions or firewalls that might block VPN traffic.

Web Scraping

Web scraping is a technique that involves extracting data from websites for various purposes, such as research, analysis, marketing, or automation. Web scraping can be challenging when websites use anti-scraping measures, such as CAPTCHAs, IP bans, rate limits, or robots.txt files.

SSL tunneling can help web scrapers to overcome these challenges by using a proxy server that can access the target website without triggering any anti- scraping measures. SSL tunneling also protects the privacy and identity of the web scraper from the target website and any third parties that might want to detect or block web scraping activity.


SSL tunneling is a powerful technique that allows you to create a secure connection between your device and a web server via a proxy server. It has many benefits, such as security, privacy, and bypassing network restrictions. It also has many applications, such as online shopping, VPNs, and web scraping. We hope you enjoyed this article and found it informative and engaging. Thank you for reading!