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Tue Oct 17

Systemd Timers Tutorial for Scheduling Tasks

In the world of Linux system administration, systemd timers play a crucial role in automating tasks and scheduling processes. This tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of systemd timers, including their creation, configuration options, troubleshooting techniques, and advanced use cases.

What are systemd timers?

Systemd timers are a part of the systemd init system, which is widely adopted by modern Linux distributions. They are used to schedule and execute tasks at specific intervals or specific times. Similar to cron jobs, systemd timers provide a more flexible and powerful alternative, offering increased control and ease of use.

How to create a systemd timer

Creating a systemd timer involves a few simple steps:

Step 1: Understanding unit files

Before diving into systemd timers, it’s essential to grasp the concept of unit files. Unit files are configuration files used by systemd to define units, such as services, timers, and more. Familiarize yourself with unit files to proceed with creating a systemd timer effectively.

Step 2: Creating a timer unit file

To create a systemd timer, you need to define a timer unit file. This file specifies the timer’s properties, including the interval or specific time at which it should trigger. Follow these steps to create a timer unit file:

  1. Open a text editor and create a new file with the .timer extension.
  2. Begin the file with the necessary unit file headers, such as [Unit] and [Timer].
  3. Set the desired properties for the timer, including the OnCalendar option for specific time-based triggers or OnUnitActiveSec for interval-based triggers.
  4. Save the file with a descriptive name, ensuring the .timer extension is retained.

Step 3: Creating an associated service unit file

Systemd timers typically trigger the execution of a service unit. Therefore, it’s essential to create a service unit file that defines the corresponding service. Follow these steps to create a service unit file:

  1. Open a text editor and create a new file with the .service extension.
  2. Begin the file with the necessary unit file headers, such as [Unit] and [Service].
  3. Define the service’s properties, including the executable path, arguments, and any other relevant options.
  4. Save the file with a descriptive name, ensuring the .service extension is retained.

Step 4: Enabling and starting the timer

Once the timer and service unit files are created, you can enable and start the timer using systemd commands. Execute the following commands in the terminal:

$ sudo systemctl enable <timer-unit-file>
$ sudo systemctl start <timer-unit-file>

Common systemd timer options

Systemd timers offer various options to customize their behavior. Here are some commonly used options:

  1. OnCalendar: Specifies the specific date and time for the timer to trigger.
  2. OnBootSec: Triggers the timer a certain duration after system boot.
  3. OnUnitActiveSec: Sets the interval after the previous trigger before the timer triggers again.
  4. RandomizedDelaySec: Introduces a random delay before the timer triggers to distribute load.
  5. Persistent: Ensures missed timer events are executed when the system becomes available.

Experiment with different options to tailor systemd timers to your specific requirements.

Example of systemd timers files

As mentioned, you need to create two files: one for the service and one for the timer with the same name. For example, if you want to run a script every 30 minutes, you can create the following files:


Description=Test job

ExecStart=/bin/bash /path/to/script.sh


Description=Test timer



The service file defines the command to be executed, and the timer file defines when and how often to run it. In this example, the script will run 15 minutes after boot, and then every 30 minutes after the last run. You can use different keywords and time formats to customize your timer.

Troubleshooting systemd timers

Despite their reliability, systemd timers may face occasional issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to resolve common problems:

  1. Verify unit file paths: Ensure the timer and service unit files are located in the correct directories.
  2. Check syntax errors: Validate the syntax of the unit files using the systemd-analyze verify command.
  3. Review journal logs: Examine the systemd journal logs using the journalctl -u <timer-unit-file> command to identify any errors or warnings related to the timer.

By following these troubleshooting techniques, you can quickly identify and resolve issues with systemd timers.

Advanced systemd timer configurations

Systemd timers offer advanced configurations to accommodate complex scheduling needs. Some advanced use cases include:

  1. Executing tasks on specific weekdays or specific times of the day.
  2. Defining timers that trigger based on system events or specific conditions.
  3. Creating timer dependencies to ensure tasks execute in a specific order.
  4. Coordinating timers with other systemd units, such as services or sockets.

Explore these advanced configurations to harness the full potential of systemd timers in your Linux environment.


Systemd timers provide a powerful and flexible solution for task automation and scheduling in Linux systems. By following this tutorial, you have learned how to create systemd timers, utilize common options, troubleshoot issues, and explore advanced configurations. Incorporate systemd timers into your system administration workflow to enhance productivity and streamline repetitive tasks.