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Wed Sep 13

Threat Modeling Methodologies: A Guide for Security Professionals

Threat modeling is a systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and mitigating potential threats to a system or an organization. It is a crucial part of any security strategy, as it helps security professionals understand the risks they face and take appropriate actions to reduce them.

Threat modeling can help security professionals answer questions such as:

  • What are the assets that need to be protected?
  • Who are the adversaries that might attack them?
  • How might they attack them?
  • What are the possible impacts of an attack?
  • How can the attack be prevented or detected?

To answer these questions effectively, security professionals need to use a structured approach that guides them through the threat modeling process. This is where threat modeling methodologies come in.

What are Threat Modeling Methodologies?

Threat modeling methodologies are frameworks or techniques that provide a systematic way of performing threat modeling. They define the steps, tools, and outputs of the threat modeling process. They also help security professionals communicate their findings and recommendations to stakeholders.

There are many threat modeling methodologies available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common ones are:

  • STRIDE: A mnemonic that stands for Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege. It is a classification scheme that helps identify threats based on their properties.
  • PASTA: An acronym that stands for Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis. It is a risk-based methodology that focuses on analyzing threats from an attacker’s perspective.
  • OCTAVE: A short for Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation. It is an organizational methodology that involves stakeholders in identifying and prioritizing security needs.


The STRIDE methodology was developed by Microsoft in the late 1990s as a way of categorizing threats to software systems. It is based on the idea that threats can be classified into six types:

  • Spoofing : The act of impersonating another entity or user.
  • Tampering : The act of modifying or altering data or code.
  • Repudiation : The act of denying or rejecting responsibility or accountability for an action or event.
  • Information Disclosure : The act of exposing or leaking confidential or sensitive information.
  • Denial of Service : The act of preventing or disrupting the normal functioning or availability of a system or service.
  • Elevation of Privilege : The act of gaining unauthorized access or privileges to a system or resource.

The STRIDE methodology can be applied to different scenarios by using different models or diagrams to represent the system under analysis. For example:

  • Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): These are graphical representations of how data flows through a system or process. They show the sources, destinations, processes, data stores, and data flows involved in a system. Security professionals can use DFDs to identify threats by analyzing each element and data flow for potential vulnerabilities.
  • Attack Trees: These are hierarchical representations of how an attacker might achieve a specific goal. They show the root goal, sub-goals, attack methods, and conditions involved in an attack. Security professionals can use attack trees to identify threats by mapping each attack method to a corresponding STRIDE category.
  • Abuse Cases: These are scenarios that describe how an attacker might misuse or abuse a system or feature. They show the actors, actions, and outcomes involved in an abuse scenario. Security professionals can use abuse cases to identify threats by describing how each abuse scenario violates a security property or requirement.


The PASTA methodology was developed by Tony UcedaVélez and Marco M. Morana in 2012 as a way of performing threat modeling from a risk-based perspective. It is based on the idea that threats should be analyzed from the point of view of an attacker, rather than a defender.

The PASTA methodology consists of seven phases:

  • Define Objectives : This phase involves defining the scope, goals, and assumptions of the threat modeling project. It also involves identifying the stakeholders, assets, and business impacts involved in the project.
  • Define Technical Scope : This phase involves defining the technical boundaries, components, and architecture of the system under analysis. It also involves identifying the data flows, interfaces, and protocols involved in the system.
  • Application Decomposition : This phase involves breaking down the system into smaller and more manageable units. It also involves identifying the functions, features, and dependencies of each unit.
  • Threat Analysis : This phase involves identifying and prioritizing the threats that might affect the system. It also involves assessing the likelihood and impact of each threat, as well as the existing controls and countermeasures.
  • Attack Modeling : This phase involves simulating and testing how an attacker might exploit the vulnerabilities and execute the threats identified in the previous phase. It also involves evaluating the effectiveness and feasibility of each attack vector.
  • Risk and Impact Analysis : This phase involves quantifying and qualifying the risks and impacts associated with each threat and attack. It also involves calculating the risk exposure and risk appetite of the system and the organization.
  • Countermeasure Definition : This phase involves defining and recommending the countermeasures that can mitigate or reduce the risks and impacts identified in the previous phases. It also involves evaluating the cost-benefit and trade-off analysis of each countermeasure.


The OCTAVE methodology was developed by Carnegie Mellon University in 2001 as a way of performing threat modeling from an organizational perspective. It is based on the idea that threats should be aligned with the business needs and objectives of an organization, rather than with technical details.

The OCTAVE methodology consists of three steps:

  • Establish Assets : This step involves identifying and prioritizing the assets that are critical to the organization’s operations and goals. It also involves identifying the owners, users, and custodians of each asset.
  • Identify Threats : This step involves identifying and prioritizing the threats that might affect the assets identified in the previous step. It also involves assessing the sources, motivations, capabilities, and actions of each threat agent.
  • Develop Strategy : This step involves developing and implementing a strategy to address the threats identified in the previous step. It also involves defining the roles, responsibilities, resources, and metrics for executing the strategy.

How to Choose the Right Threat Modeling Methodology?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for choosing a threat modeling methodology. The choice depends on various factors, such as:

  • The scope of the project: The scope defines what aspects of the system or organization are included or excluded from the threat modeling process. For example, some projects may focus on a specific feature or component, while others may cover an entire system or organization.
  • The complexity of the project: The complexity defines how difficult or challenging it is to perform threat modeling for a given system or organization. For example, some systems may have simple or well-defined architectures, while others may have complex or dynamic architectures.
  • The objectives of the project: The objectives define what outcomes or results are expected from the threat modeling process. For example, some projects may aim to identify or mitigate specific threats, while others may aim to improve or enhance overall security posture.

Based on these factors, security professionals can choose a threat modeling methodology that best suits their needs and preferences. However, they should also consider:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of different threat modeling methodologies
  • The best practices for using threat modeling methodologies effectively

**Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Threat Modeling


Each threat modeling methodology has its own strengths and weaknesses that make it more or less suitable for different situations. Here are some examples:

  • Easy to use and remember
  • Comprehensive and consistent
  • Applicable to different scenarios


  • Too abstract or generic
  • Not risk-based or prioritized
  • Not aligned with business needs


  • Risk-based and prioritized
  • Attacker-centric and realistic
  • Aligned with business impacts


  • Time-consuming and resource-intensive
  • Complex and technical
  • Not comprehensive or consistent


  • Organizational and strategic
  • Stakeholder-driven and collaborative
  • Aligned with business needs


  • Too broad or vague
  • Not- Not comprehensive or consistent
  • Not risk-based or prioritized
  • Not attacker-centric or realistic

Best Practices for Threat Modeling Methodologies

Regardless of the threat modeling methodology chosen, security professionals should follow some best practices to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the threat modeling process. Some of these best practices are:

  • Involve stakeholders: Stakeholders are the people who have an interest or stake in the system or organization under analysis. They include owners, users, developers, managers, customers, regulators, and others. Security professionals should involve stakeholders in the threat modeling process to gain their input, feedback, and support. This can help ensure that the threat modeling process is aligned with the business needs and objectives, as well as the expectations and requirements of the stakeholders.
  • Document results: Documentation is the process of recording and presenting the results and outputs of the threat modeling process. It includes creating diagrams, tables, reports, and other artifacts that capture the findings and recommendations of the threat modeling process. Security professionals should document their results in a clear, concise, and consistent manner to facilitate communication and collaboration with stakeholders. This can help ensure that the results are understood, accepted, and implemented by the stakeholders.
  • Update models regularly: Updating is the process of revising and refining the models and outputs of the threat modeling process. It involves incorporating new information, changes, and feedback into the models and outputs. Security professionals should update their models regularly to reflect the current state and context of the system or organization under analysis. This can help ensure that the models are accurate, relevant, and up-to-date.


Threat modeling is a vital part of any security strategy, as it helps security professionals identify and mitigate potential threats to a system or an organization. However, to perform threat modeling effectively, security professionals need to use a structured approach that guides them through the threat modeling process. This is where threat modeling methodologies come in.

Threat modeling methodologies are frameworks or techniques that provide a systematic way of performing threat modeling. They define the steps, tools, and outputs of the threat modeling process. They also help security professionals communicate their findings and recommendations to stakeholders.

There are many threat modeling methodologies available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common ones are STRIDE, PASTA, and OCTAVE. Security professionals can choose a threat modeling methodology that best suits their needs and preferences, based on various factors such as the scope, complexity, and objectives of the project. However, they should also consider the advantages and disadvantages of different threat modeling methodologies, as well as the best practices for using them effectively.

Threat modeling methodologies can help security professionals improve their security posture and reduce their risk exposure. By using a threat modeling methodology, security professionals can understand the risks they face so they can take appropriate actions to reduce them and at the same time align their security efforts with their business goals.