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Mon Oct 16

What is DNS-based Load Balancing?

DNS-based load balancing is a specific type of load balancing that uses the Domain Name System (DNS) to distribute traffic across several servers. It does this by providing different IP addresses in response to DNS queries. Load balancers can use various methods or rules for choosing which IP address to share in response to a DNS query.

DNS-based load balancing is important for web performance and availability because it can improve the speed, reliability, and scalability of web applications and services. In this article, we will explain how DNS-based load balancing works, what are its benefits and challenges, and how to implement it.

How does DNS-based load balancing work?

DNS is a system that translates human-readable domain names (such as into machine-readable IP addresses (such as When a user types a domain name into their browser, their device sends a request to a DNS server to resolve the domain name to an IP address. The DNS server then returns an IP address that corresponds to the domain name.

DNS-based load balancing takes advantage of this process by returning different IP addresses for the same domain name. For example, if a domain name has three IP addresses associated with it (,,, the DNS server can alternate between them or use some other logic to decide which one to return.

There are different methods or rules that DNS can use to choose which IP address to return for a domain name. Some of the common ones are:

  • Round robin: This method simply rotates through all the available IP addresses in a circular order. For example, if a domain name has three IP addresses (A, B, C), the first request will get A, the second request will get B, the third request will get C, and so on.
  • Weighted round robin: This method assigns different weights or priorities to each IP address based on some criteria (such as server capacity or location). For example, if a domain name has three IP addresses (A, B, C) with weights 1, 2, and 3 respectively, the first request will get A, the second and third requests will get B, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth requests will get C, and so on.
  • Geographic: This method returns the IP address that is closest to the user’s location or region. For example, if a domain name has three IP addresses (A, B, C) located in North America, Europe, and Asia respectively, a user from Europe will get B, a user from Asia will get C, and a user from North America will get A.
  • Latency-based: This method returns the IP address that has the lowest latency or response time for the user. For example, if a domain name has three IP addresses (A, B, C) with latencies of 10 ms, 20 ms, and 30 ms respectively, a user will get A, regardless of their location or region.
  • Other methods: There are other methods or rules that DNS can use to choose which IP address to return for a domain name, such as random, performance-based, availability-based, etc.

Each method or rule has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, round robin is simple and easy to implement, but it does not take into account the server load or the user experience. Weighted round robin can balance the server load better, but it requires manual configuration and adjustment of the weights. Geographic can reduce the network latency and improve the user experience for users in different regions, but it may not reflect the actual server performance or availability. Latency-based can optimize the user experience by choosing the fastest server for each user, but it may increase the DNS query time and complexity.

What are the benefits of DNS-based load balancing?

DNS-based load balancing can provide several benefits for web performance and availability. Some of them are:

  • Improved web performance: By distributing traffic across multiple servers, DNS-based load balancing can reduce the server load and increase the throughput. This can improve the web performance by reducing the page load time and enhancing the responsiveness of web applications and services.
  • Improved web availability: By providing redundancy and failover in case of server failure or network outage, DNS-based load balancing can improve the web availability by ensuring that users can always access the web applications and services. If one server goes down or becomes unreachable, DNS can return another IP address that points to a working server.
  • Improved web scalability: By allowing easy addition or removal of servers without affecting the domain name, DNS-based load balancing can improve the web scalability by enabling web applications and services to handle varying traffic demands. If more traffic is expected or observed, more servers can be added to the domain name. If less traffic is needed or observed, some servers can be removed from the domain name.

What are the challenges of DNS-based load balancing?

DNS-based load balancing also has some challenges that need to be considered and addressed. Some of them are:

  • Latency and inconsistency: Due to DNS caching and propagation delays, DNS-based load balancing can introduce latency and inconsistency in resolving domain names to IP addresses. DNS caching is when a device or a server stores a copy of a DNS record for a certain period of time (called Time To Live or TTL) to reduce the number of DNS queries and improve performance. DNS propagation is when a change in a DNS record (such as adding or removing an IP address) takes some time to spread across all the DNS servers in the world. These factors can cause some users to get outdated or incorrect IP addresses for a domain name until their cache expires or their DNS server updates.

Vulnerability to attacks: Due to its critical role in resolving domain names to IP addresses, DNS is a common target for malicious attacks that can compromise web performance and security. Some of these attacks are:

DNS spoofing: This is when an attacker intercepts a DNS query and returns a fake IP address that points to a malicious server instead of the legitimate one.

  • DNS hijacking: This is when an attacker gains access to a DNS server or a domain name registrar and changes the DNS records to redirect traffic to a malicious server instead of the legitimate one.

DNS amplification: This is when an attacker uses a large number of compromised devices (called botnets) to send spoofed DNS queries with a forged source IP address that matches the target’s IP address. This causes a large amount of DNS responses to flood the target’s network and overwhelm its bandwidth.

Client-side factors: Due to various client-side factors such as browser settings, proxy servers, VPNs, etc., DNS-based load balancing can be affected by how users access web applications and services. Some of these factors are:

Browser settings: Some browsers have their own settings for how they handle DNS queries and caching. For example, some browsers may ignore TTL values or use their own prefetching mechanisms that can override or bypass DNS resolution.

  • Proxy servers: Some users may use proxy servers to access web applications and services, which can affect how DNS-based load balancing works. For example, if a proxy server caches DNS records, it may return outdated or incorrect IP addresses to users.
  • VPNs: Some users may use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access web applications and services, which can affect how DNS-based load balancing works. For example, if a VPN server is located in a different region than the user, it may cause DNS queries to return IP addresses that are not optimal for the user’s location.

How to implement DNS-based load balancing?

To implement DNS-based load balancing, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a DNS provider that supports load balancing and has the features and performance that you need. Some popular DNS providers that offer load balancing services are Cloudflare, NGINX, ThousandEyes, etc.
  2. Configure a domain name that you want to use for load balancing. You may need to register a new domain name or use an existing one that you own.
  3. Add the IP addresses of the servers that you want to use for load balancing to the DNS records of the domain name. You may need to use different DNS record types such as A, AAAA, CNAME, etc., depending on the type of server and the load balancing method that you want to use.
  4. Select a load balancing method or rule that suits your needs and configure it in the DNS provider’s dashboard or API. You may need to specify the weights, priorities, regions, latencies, etc. of the servers, depending on the method or rule that you choose.
  5. Test and monitor the load balancing performance and security by using tools such as health checks, TTL settings, HTTPS encryption, etc. You may need to adjust the settings or the servers based on the feedback and the metrics that you get.

Some tips and best practices for implementing DNS-based load balancing are:

  • Use health checks to monitor the availability and performance of the servers and remove or replace the ones that fail or underperform.
  • Use short TTL values to reduce the DNS caching time and increase the responsiveness of the load balancing.
  • Use HTTPS encryption to secure the DNS queries and responses and prevent eavesdropping or tampering.
  • Use a secondary DNS provider or a backup IP address in case the primary DNS provider or server fails or becomes unreachable.


DNS-based load balancing is a powerful and flexible technique for improving web performance, availability, and scalability. By using DNS to distribute traffic across multiple servers, it can reduce the server load, provide redundancy and failover, and enable easy addition or removal of servers. However, it also has some challenges such as latency, security, and client- side factors that need to be addressed. By following the best practices and tips for implementing DNS-based load balancing, you can optimize its performance and security and provide a better user experience for your web applications and services.