stack of jigsaw puzzle pieces
Tue Aug 22

What is Insecure Randomness? | A Guide to Secure Randomness

Randomness is a characteristic of being unpredictable and lacking any discernible pattern or order. It is a crucial element in many fields and applications, particularly in cryptography, where it is utilized to generate secure keys, passwords, and other security-related data. However, not all randomness is created equal, and some sources of randomness are more reliable and secure than others. This article explores insecure randomness, its impact on security, how to prevent it, and provides examples of insecure randomness in action.

What is Insecure Randomness?

Insecure randomness refers to random numbers or data that lack sufficient entropy or randomness to be considered truly random. This occurs when a function that is expected to return a random value actually has a predictable output, allowing an attacker to compromise security. Computers are deterministic machines and, therefore, unable to produce true randomness. Instead, they use pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs) to generate random numbers based on an algorithm that uses a seed value to generate a sequence of numbers. However, not all PRNGs are equally secure. There are two main types of PRNGs: statistical and cryptographic.

Statistical PRNGs provide useful statistical properties, but their output is highly predictable and forms an easy-to-reproduce numeric stream that is unsuitable for use in cases where security depends on generated values being unpredictable. Cryptographic PRNGs address this problem by generating output that is more difficult to predict. For a value to be cryptographically secure, it must be impossible or highly improbable for an attacker to distinguish between it and a truly random value. In general, if a PRNG algorithm is not advertised as being cryptographically secure, then it is probably a statistical PRNG and should not be used in security-sensitive contexts.

Impact of Insecure Randomness on Security

Insecure randomness in security systems has significant impacts on the security and privacy of data. Weak cryptography, malicious attacks, and regulatory compliance issues are some of the potential impacts.

Weak cryptography: Insecure randomness can result in the use of weak cryptographic keys or other security parameters, which can be exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. This can result in data breaches, where sensitive data is stolen or leaked.

Malicious attacks: Attackers can use insecure randomness to launch various types of attacks, such as brute-force attacks or other guessing attacks, which can be used to break weak or outdated security systems.

Regulatory compliance issues: Insecure randomness can result in non-compliance with various security standards and regulations, which can result in financial penalties or other legal consequences.

Preventing Insecure Randomness

Several measures can prevent insecure randomness, including using reliable and secure random number generators that have been widely tested and validated by security experts. True random number generators (TRNGs) are preferable for security-critical applications to ensure that the output is unbiased and unpredictable. TRNGs use physical processes or natural sources of randomness, such as radioactive decay or atmospheric noise, to generate true random numbers.

Cryptographic pseudo-random number generators (CPRNGs) are also acceptable, as long as they use a secure algorithm and a sufficiently random seed value to generate unpredictable output. Additionally, using appropriate cryptographic keys and security parameters can ensure that the security system is strong enough to resist attacks.

Examples of Insecure Randomness

Insecure randomness can cause various vulnerabilities in different applications and systems. For example, web applications often use random values to generate session identifiers, password reset tokens, CSRF tokens, or other security tokens. If these values are generated by insecure randomness, attackers can predict them and hijack sessions, reset passwords, or perform CSRF attacks. Similarly, gaming applications often use random values to generate outcomes, such as dice rolls, card shuffles, or loot drops. If these values are generated by insecure randomness, players can predict them and cheat or gain unfair advantages.


Insecure randomness is a serious threat to the security and privacy of data. It can result in weak cryptography, malicious attacks, or regulatory compliance issues. Therefore, it is important to prevent insecure randomness by using reliable and secure random number generators and appropriate cryptographic keys and security parameters. By doing so, you can ensure that your data is protected from unauthorized access and manipulation.