white green and blue computer keyboard
Sat Jun 17

How Keyloggers Work: A Guide to Detection, Prevention, and Removal

Have you ever wondered what someone could learn about you by watching your every keystroke on your computer or phone? You might be surprised by how much personal and sensitive information you type every day without even thinking about it.

Keyloggers are a type of spyware that can secretly record everything you type on your keyboard, such as your passwords, usernames, credit card numbers, bank account details, emails, messages, searches, and more.

Keyloggers can be used for legal or illegal purposes, such as monitoring employees, children, or spouses; or stealing identities, money, or data. In this article, we will explain how keyloggers work, how to detect them on your device, how to prevent them from infecting your device, and how to remove them if you are a victim of a keylogging attack.

How do keyloggers work?

Keyloggers can be either hardware devices or software programs that are installed on your device without your knowledge or consent.

Hardware keyloggers are physical devices that are attached to your keyboard or computer port. They intercept the signals that are sent from your keyboard to your computer when you type something. They store the recorded keystrokes in their internal memory or transmit them to a remote server.

Software keyloggers are malicious programs that are downloaded onto your device by malware, phishing emails, malicious websites, or other means. They run in the background of your device and capture every keystroke you make. They can also take screenshots of your screen activity or record audio from your microphone. They send the collected data to a remote server or email address.

Some examples of keylogging malware are:

  • Zeus: A notorious banking trojan that steals financial information from infected devices.
  • SpyEye: A similar banking trojan that targets online banking users.
  • FinSpy: A commercial spyware that is sold to governments and law enforcement agencies for surveillance purposes.
  • iKeyMonitor: A parental control app that can monitor children’s online activities, including keystrokes, calls, messages, and location.

How to detect keyloggers on your device?

Keyloggers are designed to be stealthy and hard to detect. However, there are some signs and symptoms that may indicate that your device is infected by a keylogger, such as:

  • Slow performance: Your device may run slower than usual or freeze frequently due to the keylogger consuming your system resources.
  • Unusual pop-ups: You may see unexpected pop-ups or ads on your screen that are not related to the websites you visit or the apps you use.
  • Changes in settings: You may notice changes in your browser settings, such as your homepage, search engine, or extensions. You may also notice changes in your system settings, such as your firewall, antivirus, or security software.
  • Suspicious activity: You may receive emails or messages from unknown senders or contacts that contain links or attachments. You may also notice unauthorized transactions or logins on your online accounts.

If you suspect that your device is infected by a keylogger, you can try to check for it using the following methods:

  • Antivirus software: You can scan your device with a reputable antivirus software that can detect and remove keyloggers and other malware. You should update your antivirus software regularly and perform full scans periodically.
  • Task manager: You can open the task manager on your device and look for any suspicious processes or programs that are running in the background. You can sort the processes by CPU or memory usage and check their names and descriptions. If you find any process that looks unfamiliar or suspicious, you can end it or search for it online to see if it is a keylogger or not.
  • Keyboard test: You can test your keyboard by typing something on a text editor or a web browser and see if there are any delays, errors, or unusual sounds. If you notice any of these signs, it may indicate that there is a hardware keylogger attached to your keyboard or computer port.

How to prevent keylogging attacks?

The best way to prevent keylogging attacks is to avoid getting infected by keylogging malware in the first place. Here are some best practices to follow to protect your device and your information from keyloggers:

  • Use strong passwords: You should use unique and complex passwords for each of your online accounts and change them regularly. You should also use a password manager to store and manage your passwords securely. A password manager can also help you generate strong passwords and autofill them for you when you log in to your accounts.
  • Avoid phishing emails: You should be careful when opening emails or messages from unknown senders or contacts. You should not click on any links or download any attachments that look suspicious or irrelevant. You should also verify the sender’s identity and the email’s authenticity before responding or providing any information.
  • Update software: You should keep your operating system, browser, apps, and antivirus software updated with the latest security patches and updates. This can help you fix any vulnerabilities or bugs that may allow keyloggers or other malware to infect your device.
  • Use encryption: You should use encryption tools to protect your data and communication from being intercepted or stolen by keyloggers or other attackers. For example, you can use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic and hide your online activity. You can also use encrypted messaging apps, email services, or cloud storage providers to secure your messages, files, and documents.

How to remove keyloggers from your device?

If you find out that your device is infected by a keylogger, you should take immediate action to remove it and prevent further damage. Here are some steps to follow to remove keyloggers from your device:

  • Scan with antivirus software: You should scan your device with a reliable antivirus software that can detect and remove keyloggers and other malware. You should also scan any external devices, such as USB drives or hard disks, that you have connected to your device.
  • Uninstall suspicious programs: You should check your installed programs and uninstall any program that looks unfamiliar or suspicious. You should also check your browser extensions and remove any extension that you don’t recognize or use.
  • Reset your device: If the previous steps don’t work or if the keylogger is too persistent or advanced, you may need to reset your device to its factory settings. This will erase all the data and programs on your device, including the keylogger. However, this will also erase all your personal files and settings, so you should back up your important data before doing this.
  • Remove hardware keyloggers: If you have a hardware keylogger attached to your keyboard or computer port, you should disconnect it from your device and dispose of it safely. You should also check for any signs of tampering on your device, such as scratches, marks, or loose parts.


Keyloggers are a serious threat to your privacy and security. They can silently track and record everything you type on your device and steal your personal and financial information. They can also access other features of your device, such as your camera or microphone.

To protect yourself from keylogging attacks, you should follow some simple tips, such as using strong passwords, avoiding phishing emails, updating software, and using encryption. You should also be aware of the signs and symptoms of keylogging activity on your device and check for keyloggers regularly using antivirus software, task manager, or keyboard test.

If you are a victim of a keylogging attack, you should act quickly to remove the keylogger from your device using antivirus software, uninstalling suspicious programs, resetting your device, or removing hardware keyloggers. You should also change all your passwords and monitor all your online accounts for any unauthorized activity. By being informed and vigilant, you can prevent keylogging attacks and protect your data and identity.